Please contact us!

Your questions help us to think; your critiques force us to improve! So do not hesitate to contact us!

Send us a Message

Please send us your questions, put your doubts, present us your suggestions:

  • The first ones help us to turn better our performance;
  • The second ones encourage us to clarify any less explicit aspects or to be more assertive in our communication;
  • The last force us to be more creative and affordable to meet the commitments we have made towards our customers.

We will reply as soon as possible.

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Come and visit us

Schedule a visit and come to get to know us, in the unlikely event that you don’t. Shall you already know us, come and visit us anyway: It’s always a pleasure to host our Friends at our home!

Here, you can check the the best track to come to our facilities.

Contact us

Aeródromo Bissaya Barreto
3040-751 Cernache, Coimbra

(+351) 239 947 618

[email protected]


Contacts of the area responsible, depending on the issue to be discussed:

General ManagerManuela Veiga
Maintenance and AirworthinessAntónio Veiga
STC’s and Major RepairsAntónio Veiga
QualityRicardo Neves
Commercial DepartmentFrancisco Veiga